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亲爱的小文: 小孩子刚学说话,最先发的音也就是最容易发的音就是“爸”、“爹”、“妈”这些音,中外都是一样的。英文Pa或Papa或Dad或Daddy都是“父亲”(Father而该写Dear Dad,我附一封英文给爸爸信的样本在下面: June 10 Dear Dad, tiful! Mot our table for several days, I knoing. I ood on tern o so friends on t is like a fnnd already. Iall anticipation for to e. I only wish us. Love, and trip and for the flowers. Joan 但Mother这个字这么正式,所以常和MoMa或Maa或Ma混用,我再附一段英文小说在下面: Davie  do defere es on a sixteen-year-old s ch. “her said. “Four.” “tll do fio start on,”Davie said, and grinned up at her.“You sure  sling a wicked waffle, Mo” 当然正式的说法都用Father的,如:

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