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亲爱的小文: 你注意到警察局里消防车上的云梯dder)了吗?那种梯子升起来很高,可高出一百英尺。美国underworld ngdder叫做Jacob,你知道是谁吗? Jacob ribes of Israel, to testant.   etage”). Later, Jacob enforced ending to  ained froIsaac t for Esau. Esau  Jacob fled for his life. On to  at a ce called Beted bless  on to Labans er, Rac Laban forced Jacob to rry er. Leaer  for ho. On t until God reassured  Esau   years i, w o live. Esau er in ny stories found in Genesis 25-33. t knotage”(Gen.25:27-34), and tting of o Jacob after tters return to Palestine 20 yearster. Biblical ards Esau as te nation. Jacob就是现在以色列(Israel)人的老老老老老老老老老老……老祖宗。

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